Run a beautiful business with BetterHQ and Xero integration
Take control of your accounting and manage your scheduling with BetterHQ and Xero integration
Why choose the BetterHQ & Xero add on integration?
The BetterHQ + Xero integration enables you to have greater visibility over your financial data, helping you make better business decisions. Once you integrate, you can automatically push your BetterHQ data into Xero and vice versa – saving time, reducing double entry & errors and helping you gain clarity over your cash flow. Plus, the Xero accounting software add ons are also web-based so you’ll be able to access your information from anywhere on the go.
Reconcile your transactions in minutes
Automatically push daily sales from BetterHQ to Xero by payment method, directly into your nominated bank account and ensure they sync. Manage Tax and income by chart of account – making it easy to reconcile.
GST/VAT are sorted for tax time
Any tax recorded in your appointment invoices or merchandise transactions in BetterHQ will sync to Xero accounting software, so you can easily keep track of your TAX obligations – ready for tax time & BAS/VAT/Tax submissions.
Sales insights at your fingertips
Your product/services sales are grouped and pushed into a nominated chart of accounts, helping you to get valuable insight into what product or service is bringing the most money into your business.
See our full Xero add ons integration article for more information.
More about BetterHQ
BetterHQ is online scheduling & POS software that runs your entire business. Manage scheduling, contacts, point of sale, clients and payments on a secure, central system. With everything you need at your fingertips you can streamline your business and provide a better experience for your customers and clients. Take it further by utilising one of the many integrations BetterHQ offers. Get started today and experience better business management.
More about the Xero
Xero is easy to use online accounting software that’s designed specifically for small businesses. Your Xero account has all you need to run your business – including online invoicing, paying bills, expense claims, sales tax returns, managing tax rates, reporting and much more. Plus, it’s all online, so you can work when and where you want to with a real-time view. Just login with your PC, Mac or mobile app.
Instant access. No credit card required.